TOP TEN › Provincial Stud Farm

Provincial Stud Farm

This horse-breeding facility was established on the outskirts of Písek in 1902. Initially, the horses were cared for by soldiers, but in 1923, the stud farm was transferred to civilian administration. One of its most famous horses was the legendary Ardo, who served as the model for the horse in Prague’s St. Wenceslas Memorial—one of the sculptor's studies is now displayed in the courtyard.

Visitors can explore the stud farm through regular guided tours or during special events such as breeding days and horse races. Built of striking red masonry, the stud farm was declared a national cultural monument in 2010.


  • regular tours (in Czech language) – terms
  • tours can be also organised on request
  • premises of the farm are also opened during events

U Hřebčince 479, CZ–39701 Písek
T +420 724 981 194, +420 778 753 947
E marketing (at)

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