
The green park area around the Deanery Church has been known as Bakaláře or Bachelors, since 1900. The name comes from the school that stood here for almost three centuries (1565 – 1853) and its teachers: bachelors. The southern side of Bakaláře used to be closed off by the town walls, which were torn down in the early 19th century.

Archaeological research was carried out in the park in 2008-9 which revealed a well from the High Medieval Period, plus a bigger surprise – the remains of an ancient necropolis, burial mounds from the 15th century BC and ash graves from the 13th and 12th centuries BC. Part of this discovery has remained uncovered and visible to the public below glass covers. Modern architectonic concept depicted the former well in front of the main portal of the church and the so-called Bachelors island whose six stone desks remind us of the original Renaisance school.
